Because Only Together We Can
Build a World Where All Children are Cancer Free!
Who We Are
Partnering to help families…

What We Do
— We Are a Voice
For children fighting cancer…
Their laughter will make your heart melt, Their strength will make a grown person cry, If you ever see a child fight cancer, it will change your life forever…
— We Build Networks
By being a support for all families who have a child going through cancer…
Having fundraisers throughout the year to have money to help families…
— We Strengthen
Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength…
— We Educate
By sharing childhood cancer statistics…
By sharing families stories…
— We Love
Providing Love to all families who take a walk down this path, so they know they are never alone…
— We Support Heroes
Sometimes real SUPERHEROES live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles…
Impact Stories
Blair Smith

Hello, my name is Maggie Smith. I am the secretary and one of the founding members for Stomping Out Childhood Cancer. My husband James and I became so passionate about helping children with cancer after our oldest daughter Blair was diagnosed with cancer in March of 2016. Blair was just 7 years old when she was diagnosed with B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She endured 2 ½ years of brutal chemotherapies, spinal taps, numerous hospitalization for infections, compression fractures from the steroids and chemo she was taking and loss of muscle and relying on a wheelchair for mobility some of the time. Having to watch my child endure all of the harsh treatments that were needed to save her life and having to see some of the children we met through this journey die from either the cancer or side effects from the treatment made it so we wanted to make a change. My husband and our families started having bake sales to raise money for families who were affected by childhood cancer and for childhood cancer research through Children’s Oncology Group. We decided we wanted to do more so we reached out to fellow childhood cancer families in the area and together we started Stomping Out Childhood Cancer.
So here is a little about our family. I am a registered nurse and work at an outpatient surgery center and James works in retail. We have 2 beautiful daughters, Blair and Norah. Blair is now an energetic and healthy girl who has discovered her love of the violin. Norah is my feisty, loving child that loves anything that keeps her on the go. From playing basketball and soccer to learning the piano.
Mia Blanchard

Mia’s Army…Mia is a 5 year old. She loves animals, school, dance, swimming and hanging out with her friends. She loves bike riding camping and getting ice cream with mom and dad. She is very outgoing and caring. She has a big heart.
July 1, 2020 she was diagnosed with B-cell ALL but that never stopped her from doing what she wanted to do. She has 4 brothers and 2 dogs (Great Dane “Clyde” and yellow lab “Gage”). She is in kindergarten this year. Tap, ballet, jazz and tumbling are also favorites of hers. She loves watching her older brothers play sports and helps care for her baby brother.
Mia is always on the go and she is done with chemo treatment this September.
Mia is the daughter of Will and Nichole Blanchard.
Board members

Back Row, Left to Right: Shanda Burgos, Erin Runde, Dan Runde, Angie Dodd Front Row Left to Right: Maggie Smith, Darcy Piper, Sarah Bruce