You can do Anything you put your mind to...
We Support Children and Youth to Reach Their Full Potential
Elliot Krumm

Brooke Runde

The Brookenator….Brooke Runde today is a healthy 10 year old who loves riding horses, driving ATV’s, tractors and riding in her Chevelle with her dad.
When Brooke was 4 years old she was diagnosed with Wilm’s Tumor. She had a football sized tumor growing on her kidney. After chemo, radiation treatment and a surgery she can say she is cancer free.
Cancer has made Brooke into one of the toughest kids we know. She can handle about anything life throws at her. Brooke is quite the comedian and is great at one liner remarks. Often mom/dad/grandparents are sharing, guess what Brooke said today…
Brooke has a sister, Addyson and brother Trenton and is very loved by her dog Tatu who she got when she went into remission.
Her mom and dad are Dan and Erin Runde.
Adeline Lovell
Adeline Lovell, a precious four-year-old girl from Clear Lake, was diagnosed with high-risk B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on July 6, 2022. Adeline’s illness was deemed “high-risk” due to her very high White Blood Cell count at the time of diagnosis. Adeline is a patient of the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital and is currently in the Consolidation Phase of treatment.
Adeline travels to Iowa City each week to undergo chemotherapy infusions via her central line port-a-cath, lumbar punctures, and blood and platelet transfusions as needed. Between trips to the hospital, she also maintains an oral and injection-based chemotherapy regimen at home. At the end of Consolidation in mid-October, Adeline will have a bone marrow biopsy to test the treatment’s effectiveness. Her family and friends pray that the results would show that she is in remission. The next 4-7 months of treatment will continue to be intense. Weekly trips to the University of Iowa SFCH will continue, and several multi-day inpatient stays are on the schedule, as well. If all goes well, Adeline will enter the Maintenance Phase of treatment. Maintenance will involve continued daily oral chemotherapy at home, but trips to the hospital for chemo infusions will reduce to monthly and then quarterly. In all, Adeline’s treatment will last approximately 2.5 years, with several years of close monitoring thereafter.
Adeline loves to play at the park, swim, dance, create art, do puzzles, play with her toys, and read books with her parents. More than anything, though, she loves to play with her friends and meet new people. She is a true “people-person,” and her beautiful, bright spirit has not been dampened by her illness. Adeline enjoys waving to her friends at the hospital while watching Iowa Hawkeye football on TV, especially her friend, Walker, whom she met during her initial inpatient stay after diagnosis. She is excited to attend a Hawkeye football game in person someday. Adeline is sweet, fun, smart, and spunky; she is loving and kind, but she is also fierce. Her doctors often remark at her fighting spirit, with one saying that “she is a feisty young woman” after a particularly difficult period in the hospital. Adeline faces challenges each day, from battling nausea and tiredness to having to take her medications or get “poked,” but each time she encounters something difficult, she rises to the occasion. She is reminded that each time she is scared of something but does it anyway, her courage grows. She is being forged by adversity and gaining determination, resiliency, and mental toughness that she will take with her for the rest of her life. Adeline and her family are choosing to lean into James 1:2-4. Adeline has an army of prayer warriors, family, friends, doctors, and nurses who care deeply for her and support her and her family in so many ways. She and her family are forever grateful for everyone who has surrounded her with love. Adeline faces a long road ahead, but her Father in Heaven loves her and has wonderful plans for her. This experience has already amplified Adeline’s walk and the impact God has in the world through her. Her family can’t wait to see what else God does through this incredible little girl.
Adeline is the daughter of Chris and Morgan Lovell and has a baby brother, Charles.
Jordon RoggemaN

Jordon Roggeman wrote the following on November 15th, 2020. “2 years ago today I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. These past 2 years have been crazy. I had four rounds of chemo and 1 round of radiation, then a cord blood transplant after all that I was cancer free for about 7 months.
In Feb 2020 it relapsed and I was admitted back into the hospital in Iowa city where I had 1 round of chemo that did not work so then I was sent to Saint Jude in March. While we were there I had another round of chemo and then even more chemo to prepare my body for my second transplant which my mom was my donor. After a very rough time in the hospital the transplant started to work and my momma’s cells started to replace my bad cells!
We had to stay in Memphis for about 6 months it was a long time but it was worth it because not only did my mom and I meet so many amazing people while in Memphis I eventually beat my cancer a second time!!! Yep that’s right 2-0 undefeated. Thanks to everyone for all the support, prayers, gifts, cards and everything I pray I never have to go through this crap again. JordonStrong.”
Unfortunately, Jordon’s cancer came back in May of 2021. We went for his year checkup at St Jude and it wasn’t the news we prayed for. There wasn’t anymore they could do for him. We came home had another port put in and started chemo. Jordon decided to stop chemo and just live with his cancer instead of being in the hospital and sick. It took a toll on him but he was still hanging out with friends and driving his car!! Jordon loved cruising around with his friends. We can smile cause He Lived!!
He passed away August 31, 2021 on his grandmas birthday. His hospice nurse asked him if he knew where he was going and he smiled and said heaven!!
He is forever 20, Jordan is the son of Gregory and Sandra Roggeman and brother of Josh and Jamie, and uncle to Zach and Addi.
Elyse Eastman

Brooklyn Heimer

Brave Brooklyn: Brooklyn Heimer was diagnosed with stage 3 Wilms tumor on April 14th, 2021. She has since undergone 3 large abdominal surgeries, 24 rounds of chemo, and 6 radiation treatments. She now goes every 3 months for follow up scans. She will be followed by her oncologist for 5 years. Thank you to all the Brave Brooklyn supporters.
Brooklyn is the daughter of Justin and Lisa Heimer. Brothers Bryce, Brayden, Sister Brynlee.
Brooklyn is 6 years old now. Loves to ride horses, ride her bike, play with friends, go swimming, go to water parks, favorite color is pink, favorite food is North Western Steakhouse noodles.
Maggie Smith

Hello, my name is Maggie Smith. I am the secretary and one of the founding members for Stomping Out Childhood Cancer. My husband James and I became so passionate about helping children with cancer after our oldest daughter Blair was diagnosed with cancer in March of 2016. Blair was just 7 years old when she was diagnosed with B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She endured 2 ½ years of brutal chemotherapies, spinal taps, numerous hospitalization for infections, compression fractures from the steroids and chemo she was taking and loss of muscle and relying on a wheelchair for mobility some of the time. Having to watch my child endure all of the harsh treatments that were needed to save her life and having to see some of the children we met through this journey die from either the cancer or side effects from the treatment made it so we wanted to make a change. My husband and our families started having bake sales to raise money for families who were affected by childhood cancer and for childhood cancer research through Children’s Oncology Group. We decided we wanted to do more so we reached out to fellow childhood cancer families in the area and together we started Stomping Out Childhood Cancer.
So here is a little about our family. I am a registered nurse and work at an outpatient surgery center and James works in retail. We have 2 beautiful daughters, Blair and Norah. Blair is now an energetic and healthy girl who has discovered her love of the violin. Norah is my feisty, loving child that loves anything that keeps her on the go. From playing basketball and soccer to learning the piano.

Mia’s Army…Mia is a 5 year old. She loves animals, school, dance, swimming and hanging out with her friends. She loves bike riding camping and getting ice cream with mom and dad. She is very outgoing and caring. She has a big heart.
July 1, 2020 she was diagnosed with B-cell ALL but that never stopped her from doing what she wanted to do. She has 4 brothers and 2 dogs (Great Dane “Clyde” and yellow lab “Gage”). She is in kindergarten this year. Tap, ballet, jazz and tumbling are also favorites of hers. She loves watching her older brothers play sports and helps care for her baby brother.
Mia is always on the go and she is done with chemo treatment this September.
Mia is the daughter of Will and Nichole Blanchard.